
  • Permission . . .
    All images and texts with the exception of comments and images posted by others are the property of Justin Wonnacott. All of the rights to reproduce these images and texts in any form or for any type of public presentation belong to the artist, photographer and author Justin Wonnacott.

June 2009

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« 882 Somerset street | Main | The fortune teller's shop at 571 Somerset Street »

May 01, 2006


virginia r. cameron

it is also home to what appears to be the world's tiniest fence between that building and the beer store.

Lowell Green

I wish to use a picture of Gouzenko's Somerset St. house for a new book I am writing. How do I rfeceive approval to do so--whom do I credit.
Thank you--please respond ASAP
LOwell Green

John Edkins

Lowell, If you haven't already received an answer to your request, I would be happy to take a photo of the building. Let me know.
John Edkins

Jennifer McGill

I wish to use a photo of Igor Gouzenko's Somerset Street home for an article we are running in Legion Magazine. Whom shall I contact for permissions? We are in a bit of a panic to acquire a photo! Please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you!

Lynne Reich

this area across from the park is where Ray Tremblay (Ray Condo) grew up with his brothers

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