
  • Permission . . .
    All images and texts with the exception of comments and images posted by others are the property of Justin Wonnacott. All of the rights to reproduce these images and texts in any form or for any type of public presentation belong to the artist, photographer and author Justin Wonnacott.

June 2009

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« 375 Somerset is a beauty shop | Main | 721 Somerset is Christ the Saviour Church »

September 17, 2006


Account Deleted

Today's additions have some of my favourites from your whole project..... very rewarding.... thank you Justin. This is a great project.

Raymond Roy

Just finished looking at your amazing project.
I live downtown and often walk Somerset to eat in Chinatown and Preston. Your photographs
make me realize how often we take things for granted. Thankyou for helping me stop and look
from your perspective. Can't help but make parallels to the work of Walker Evans ... who I admire and have been influenced by ... check out my online book. ..... Raymond.


This project is quite large indeed!! I lived at 14 somerset w. for a couple years, if you take requests this is mine... i loved that house.

Chantal Martel

I live at 858 from 1966 to 1976. It looked quite different back then. All of the row houses had top and bottom balconies and their own private entrance. I'm glad though that it's still there. It sure brings back a lot of memories growing up.

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